Club Championship 2024


The club has a championships to foster competition between members. The championships consists of a number of races at which members can pick up points depending on where they come in relation to other members. At the end of the season, there are trophies for the mens, ladies and over-all age graded champion.

The purposes of the club championship are:

  1. To provide a focus for competition for club members throughout the year.
  2. To encourage club members to try a range of events over different distances and terrains.
  3. To raise the profile of the club by having as many members as possible taking part in the chosen events.
  4. To support other local clubs and event organisers by including as many local events within the championships as possible.

The championship is the best 8 races from 14. You do not have to pick one championship or the other, the more races you take part in, the more chance you have of picking up a trophy at the end of the year!

The championship starts 1st January and finishes on the 31st December 2024.

Either a Red & Blue vest or T Shirt must be worn in order for a race to count towards your championship standing.

Where the race is the best of a certain distance (e.g. 10K), the race course must have been accurately measured

Race Date Event
All Year Any Warrington Park Run (Best 1 time counts)
All Year Halewood 5K (Best 1 time counts)
May/June North Cheshire Grand Prix Series (5K) (Best 1 time counts)
All Year Any 5M race

17 March/18 August

Best of: High Legh 10K, Birchwood 10K
All Year Any other 10K race
All Year Any 10M race
2 July Non-Arley Mile Time Trial
23 July Summer Handicap
15 December Winter Handicap
24 Sept Warrington Half Marathon
All Year Any other half marathons
All Year Any 20M
All Year Any marathon

Main Championship Standings as of 1st January 2023

Mens Championship

Age Category

Ladies Championship

Age Category

Past championships winners are here.


For the purpose of the championship points the first runner from the club gets one point, the second gets two points etc.

For example:

If there are 10 male runners the 10th male runner gets 10 points, all other males in the club who race get 10 points plus 10.

Women are scored as men but separately

The end of the season is 31st December, and the winners of the men’s and women’s championships is the one with the least points.


  1. The best 8 out of 14 will be counted. The two championships are different and cannot be combined.
  2. Scoring to be same for both men & women 1 point per place and non-competing members get 10 points more than last finisher
  3. The races must be between the 1st January and the 31st December 2023.
  4. Only First Claim Members are eligible to win.
  5. If nobody in a certain age category has done the full quota of events then the trophy for that category will not be awarded.
  6. A club running vest/T-shirt must be worn.

Age Graded Champion

From the main championship races the Age Graded Champion is calculated.

This is based upon timed races over a measured distances. Using known world records for each age and from each event, the relative performance percentage of the runner can be calculated and the high the percentage the better. This method allows us to compare the performances of all members independent of age and gender. At the end of the season the Age Graded Champion for the club is declared