Club Standards
Club Standards
Road race standards are designed to encourage members to enter more races and try to achieve pre-set standards which will be awarded by the club at the annual presentation and social evening.
There are standards for all the regular distances (5K, 5 Miles, 10K, 10 Miles, ½ Marathon, 20 Miles and Marathon).
To find your standard go to your age section and then distance and the standard is the column that has the lowest time that is greater than your time.
There are separate standards for males and females and claims must be submitted on an official claim form (click here for claim a .PDF form or here for a .DOC form). Claims for standards on a race will be accepted on an annual basis commencing 1st January through to 31st December 2022. Completed claim forms should be sent to Jon at
The Committee will collate all claims where they will be checked for accuracy.
- Each claim form must be supported by the relevant results sheet.
- The race must have been accurately measured and certified, your result must be taken from the official results. Chipped times are acceptable.
- The time achieved must be better than the standard i.e. standard = 36 minutes, time achieved 35 minutes 59 seconds or better.
- Awards will only be given for standards achieved at one level at three different distances in one year.
Lookup Standard
Jump to male standards.