WRR Facebook Guide

1) Introduction

Our Facebook site will allow members to communicate with each other and hold online discussions.

By making the group closed, the posts will be private to the group and visible only to group members. Example posts include;

2) How do I register to become a member of the Group?

Membership is only open to current members of Warrington Road Runners. Users must register with Facebook first before using the site. Go to the http://en-gb.facebook.com/ page and sign up (anyone can do this). Upon registration, you will have the opportunity to supply information about yourself.

You can supply as much or as little as you want. So if you want to stay anonymous then do not supply too much information. You do not have to fill in all the fields, only a user name is required as a minimum.

You can elect to have the messages sent to your email address; this is useful rather than logging into the site to check activity.

3) How do I become a Member or Warrington Road Runners?

Please see the Join/Contact us page.

4) I have registered with Facebook - how do join the the Warrington Road Runners Group

To join the Facebook group, you will need to request admission. To request admission, go to the Warrington Road Runners group page by either:

The Warrington Road Runners page will indicate that it is a closed group. Click the Join Group button to request admission. The request goes to the site administrator who will approve the request the next time they log in. Once you have been accepted into the group, when you log in you should see Warrington Road Runners under the groups section on the left hand side of the screen. Just click this link to get to the group page.

5) How to I communicate using Facebook

You can:

Emails sent to this address will go to all group members.